Thursday, August 6, 2009

Vote For David on Illegal Immigration

There are somewhere between 10 and 35 Million illegal aliens of various sorts in the USA these days. I recognize that all of them are breaking the law. I understand that up to a third of the violent felons in prison here are illegal immigrants. I understand that the sponge-type illegal immigrants are bankrupting our medical and social services.

I also understand that, although there are very many of them who have no interest in becoming Americanized, there are also very many who would already be citizens, or they would at least go from being "undocumented workers" to "documented workers," but for one elephant in the room:


Have a means test at the end of a temporary work permit, fine. Have a nominal fee, fine. Require a loyalty oath, fine. Limit the ability of recent immigrants to collect publicly funded benefits, fine. Fast-track the people who are in line already, even. But when it costs thousands of dollars and takes 5 to 14 years to get here in accordance with law, the law is stupid and it needs -some- reform. Not outright amnesty, and not a jillion dollar fine or fee or tax. Arguing about social security benefits is moot, but I seriously doubt anyone young enough this year to build up a worthwhile benefit at retirement age, is going to see any of their so-called social security money. Last I checked, "my" money (in Al Gore's "Lockbox") is 'growing' at NEGATIVE 1.5% annually, and the whole ponzi scheme is brankrupt anyway.

I also understand there are "some jobs that Americans are unwilling to do" and I call B.S. on that point. If anyone has ever seen Dirty Jobs on the Discovery Channel, they know there is almost nothing a self-respecting American citizen will not do to support his family. It's a canard. The reason SOME Americans refuse to go out and pick the onion, is that when they fail to get a jobby-job, Uncle Sugar picks them up and kisses their . . . well, gives them a paycheck, anyway. When we have multiple generations of families (as we do) wherein nobody has ever worked a day in his life, but all of them have sucked off the public TEAT since day 0, that is part of the problem. We NEED welfare case workers. If being on the public dole meant no cell phone, cable TV, internet, or cars with payments, along with weekly visits from a nosy case worker (like it used to be) there would be fewer bums on the dole! If corporations could go to the Social Security office and say "Send me 5 to dig a trench" and the SSA sent them 5 able-bodied welfare recipients who went instead of losing their benefit, that would be better than paying one baby momma two checks every month for sitting on her duff and collecting benefits under both her assumed names!

The Fair Tax, by the way, would make a lot of the system-gaming that goes on a lot less-bad for society.

That said. . .

I know two illegal immigrants from Mexico, a man and his wife. He came here on a green card which has since expired. He works for cash at his job and pays his sales taxes. She helps at his work. They go to bed late and rise early, just to make ends meet. The aren't a drain on the system, they are busting hump. What's more, they are trying to learn English. I told my Darling Wife they would have to ask someone ELSE for help with any inconveniences caused by their voluntary legal status. I also said "the only reason they're not REported and DEported already" is that they are contributing members of society. I was against the McCain immigration reform bill because it was too broad and too soft on lawbreakers, by a big margin.

If you can't guess where I stand on illegal immigrants after reading all of that, I regret to inform you that you wasted quite a bit of your childhood in the reading comprehension portions of your government-school English classes.


Mark said...

+1, David! You nailed it RIGHT ON THE HEAD!

Brittanicus said...

The ripples have started before the major storm. WE MUST BE ON OUR GUARD?

More than ever before, this is the time to ignite the major issues under the feet of all politicians. We need the extraction process of mandated E-Verify composite of the SAVE ACT; to remove illegal labor from the workplace in all businesses Gathered together with local police detainment 287(g), the NO MATCH Social Security law and not to weaken ICE raids. All patriotic Americans who believe in a pro-sovereignty, anti-illegal immigrant must contact their arrogant pandering lawmakers, demanding no amnesty, no chain migration and build the border fence according two original specifications. American Workers and the general public must fight against abhorrent special interest groups, such as US chamber of Commerce, ACLU, La Raza, Council of Foreign Relations, ImmigrationWorksUSA and many more. Say--NO--to ACORN INVOLVED IN THE 2010 CENSUS. Sen. Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi are the American Workers worst enemies?

That SANCTUARY STATES like California must rescind illegal immigrant refuge policies. That President Obama's health care renewal plan—WILL--attract millions more impoverished people from around the world. That they can join with the 20 plus million already here, to get free medical care under the Democrats law now passing through Congress. MY QUESTION IS! WHY SHOULD TAXPAYERS SUPPORT THE ILLEGAL LABOR FOR THE PARASITE CORPORATE ENTITIES ACROSS AMERICA? CALL TODAY AND GIVE POLITICIANS AT 202-224-3121 YOUR CRESCENDO OF FRUSTRATION? THAT'S ALL THEY UNDERSTAND--WHEN THEIR JOBS ARE IN PERIL. GOOGLE NUMBERSUSA AND JUDICIALWATCH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE CORRUPTION AND PROFITEERING FROM BOTH PARTIES. OVERPOPULATION will be the irreversible consequences of mass immigration.