Thursday, July 14, 2011

Definitely Defiantly Definately!

1. clearly defined or determined; not vague or general; fixed; precise; exact
2. having fixed limits; bounded with precision
3. positive; certain; sure

Definite is the root word in Definitely.

1. in a definite manner; unambiguously.
2. unequivocally; positively.

Definitely is an adverb created by adding the letters "L" and "Y" to "Definite."

characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging
adverb: defiantly

Definately (Difinitly, Definetly, Difinately, etc. ad nauseum)
All of these are gross misspellings based on your mispronunciations of a word you may not even comprehend. For the love o' Pete, get it right!

  • What you meant: I'm going to be there, 100% fo' sho'!
  • What you typed: I'm defiantly going to be there!
  • What others read: I'm going to be there and you can't stop me!

Ways to look like a fool, one more: Missepl definitely. Yes it was intentional. See how dumb it looks?

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