Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Not My Problem!

When O.J. Simpson was running from the Police, he interrupted my television show and I asked my folks "Who's OJ Simpson?"

Today the question is "Who's KC Anthony?"

Some woman caught a case and was declared not guilty of killing her child by the people who heard all the evidence from beginning to end. WHY is this national headline news, and WHY do the national pundits care? It's just another little-kid-mudered case. Oh wait, sorry I forgot to factor in the "Hot Defendant Variable" which in this case is somewhat higher than normal and "Cute Female White Child Involved Variable" which in this case is "Affirmative." Also in play is the "Possibly-Crazy Biatch" card, which applies to at least the defendante and her momma.

Get off my airwaves. Go be crazy in front of somebody else. Stop covering this and get back to how The Obama is destroying my nation. Oh, wait you don't want to talk about the bad stuff going on in D.C., even though you are a "reporter"? Oh well cover this non-story then, and I'll just change the channel. As usual.

I can't help but note that, as with the O.J. case, nobody is making much noise about going out and finding the real killer. . . .

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