Thursday, July 7, 2011

Good for the Gander

A point I have made repeatedly over the last few days in personal conversation is that it seems rather the opposite of Justice for Ms. Anthony to be convicted of Lying to The Only Ones when she was delcared Not Guilty of the crime they were investigating her allegedly having committed.

Neal Boortz is on the radio and I am selling junk on eBay, because he can phrase things better than I can. He put my sentiment into exactly the right words today. He was saying that he (as a juror) would never have convicted Anthony of the crime of lying to law enforcement officers because
"If they can lie to me, I can lie to them."

Exactly. Yes Virginia, the Police can say anything and everything to anyone they please during an investigation, and you are expected to tell them the truth or else. Is this fair? It is, if Jury Nullification can be introduced in a courtroom!

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