Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Republicans Have Obama Over a Budget Barrel

The Republicrats in the House of Congress have the President by the short-hairs but he may not be bright enough to realize it. The latest news is that there will be no deal on a short-term increase of our debt limit, but maybe we can work out a short-term deal. Got that? Good.

The nation would REALLY be thrown into a sour economic state if we were to default on our outstanding minimum credit card balances treasury notes. It would be far better for us as a country to tell every Federal agency to go find something else to do for a while* while we put ALL the incoming tax revenues to continuing debt service. But there is an alternative to paying our national bills: default.

Continue to spend money like a drunken sailor on social welfare and corporate welfare programs and "invest" in money-pit pipe dreams like nationwide high-speed rail and whatnot. Let the people who fund our nation's deficit spending be told "sorry, tough tits" and just don't pay them. Surely they will just continue to fund our nation's excessive spending, right?

Right? I mean, then, we could NOT pay our bills and continue spending! Hooray! Oh, the brilliance of The Obama!

The Republicans know they hold the reins of this power. They know the people want less spending and no tax increases. The Republicans can stand by for an electoral defeat in 2012 if they cave. Still, how much confidence have you that they will stand firm and force the President to concede?

What a sad state of affairs in which to find our Great Experiment!

*This could, of course, all be a New World Order plot. The something else the few-million unemployed workers may be encouraged to do by the MSM could very well be Greek-style riots in the streets. Then, of course, Something Must Be Done and God only knows what they would try to ram down our throats at that juncture . . .

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