Monday, July 18, 2011

Are You Sure You Want To Go There Sir?

The Republicans in Congress are proposing a way for the President to keep on spending, but limits the amount to an arbitrary percentage (too much) of GDP. A limit on the power of the purse is a limit on the power to destroy* and must not be tolerated! A socialist wishes for absolute power for the Leader. Why SHOULD Obama sign a limit on his own spending? I mean, aside from that little question in November 2012. He has said he would rather be a really good one-term president than a two-term president. Let's let him think he's really-good and then show him the door in 2012, eh?

Of course, that means we'd need a Republican to stand up and show the nation a contrast in front of a camera. Cain could do that, maybe Bachman, but at least half the field of GOP candidates are all sticks in the mud on camera, and that is a problem.

*"The power to tax is the power to destroy"

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