Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May 21 Not The End Of The World

Let us be perfectly clear about this: NOBODY knows when the end of the world will be. In the Bible, Jesus says that not even he, but only God the Father knows the date. So when you see someone saying May 21st, 2011 is going to be the end of the world, you may freely mock, scorn, deride, etc. the person and the prediction.

Fill in the blank, and this conversation is endlessly, reliably accurate.

Sumdood: The end of the world! _________ (insert date) everybody pay attention and buy my self-published book before the end of the world!
You: WTH Ever dude. Go soak your head and come back and give me a free copy of your self-published book on ________ (insert date + 1 day)
Sumdood: (to the next person) The end of the world! ________ (insert date) everybody pay attention . . . .

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